Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sonic Pen?

Sorry, I just want to tell you something before I take a break, out of town and away. I do not want to forget this.

It was weird finding.

I was cleaning my computer desk... I put away some of my pencil and pen to the carrying bin. I noticed something in there... There was a pen almost look like the Sonic Pen... serious... what I need is a blue light... lol. I just laughed. What the hell going on??? Did Doctor put it in there? Hee hee.

I believed I got it from the festival. There were some booths that give away freebies with their companies/providers names (i.e. on plastic cup, keychain, pen, pencil, small toys...) this one I got from I forgot which provider booth but label was on it made by Saratoga Pen Company. It's good weight. It's full metal.

Or the mall booths? I have no idea. It was few years ago. If it has name same as booth on it, I would have known. Anyway. Bye!

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